Ghosts On Vinyl Princeton NJ

1511   10 years ago
MusicPrinceton | 0 subscribers
1511   10 years ago
The first song inspired by and based on EVP recordings is here! The ghosts of four female musicians - Melanie, Mona, Misty and Polly - have been haunting Glenn ever since he moved to his apartment in historic Princeton, New Jersey. This is one of their songs./n----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------/nIf you dig "Whisper at the Moon" be sure to become a "FAN-tom" on facebook by "liking" the girls' page! shockingly shocking story of "Ghosts on Vinyl"!/nWhen Glenn moved into his attic apartment in historic downtown Princeton, New Jersey, he had no idea that he would soon be having an encounter with the supernatural. One night, after finding hundreds of records in four huge boxes behind a wall in the bedroom, Glenn began having sensorially vivid dreams of four girls either playing or singing insanely catchy tunes which were completely unknown to him. The girls, whom he suspected were the "ghosts" of females who had lived in his apartment at some point, would sometimes completely rock out, while at other times they would play gentle ballads or bubbly pop tunes. In fact, every dream would bring a different type of song.
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