Wonderful Film! 'Trenton Area Soup Kitchen A Meal Can Change a Life'

431   2 months ago
YourTownTube | 0 subscribers
431   2 months ago
A Meal Can Change a Life is an award-winning short film produced by the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen with cinematography by Frank Lettieri, Jr. It tells the story of four longtime friends of TASK, all of whom say the compassion and kinship they experienced at the soup kitchen gave them hope when they needed it most. TASK is grateful to Walter Roberts, Sharon Horne, Todd Jackson and Deb Kisela for sharing their inspiring stories. This short documentary-style video is the recipient of a 2023 MarCom “Gold” Award. The MarCom Awards recognize outstanding achievement in marketing and communications. To learn more about the work of the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, please visit our website: www.trentonsoupkitchen.org
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