Sourland Conservancy. How To Create Your Own Spotted Lanternfly Trap.

605   1 year ago
YourTownTube | 0 subscribers
605   1 year ago
Girl Scout Troop 71833 walks us through how to create our own Spotted Lanternfly trap! Sourland Conservancy. Sourland Conservancy members are the heart and soul of our organization. They provide staff, interns, and volunteers with critical financial support to help us accomplish our stewardship, educational, and advocacy goals each year. As membership grows, so does the Sourland Conservancy. And grow we have! We’re continuing to plan and coordinate forest restoration projects in every Sourland municipality, create educational videos to encourage people to steward their own land, advocate on behalf of the forest, host seminars, guided hikes, workshops, and so much more!

With your membership, you’ll receive a subscription to “The Sourland Journal,” our semi-annual printed newsletter, along with an invitation to our holiday party and discounted admission to various events throughout the year.
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