Grover Cleveland Princeton, TWICE US President

2120   12 years ago
princeton11 | 0 subscribers
2120   12 years ago
He is buried in the Princeton cemetery. In the fall of 1901 Cleveland was elected a trustee and thereafter took an active part in Princeton University affairs until his death. He thought it ``a serious thing to be a trustee of Princeton'' and gave painstaking attention to all the details of the operation of the University that came before the board. He spoke for the trustees at Woodrow Wilson's inauguration in 1902 and at the dedication of the Faculty Room in Nassau Hall in 1906. In 1904 he was appointed chairman of the trustees' committee on the graduate school and became a staunch advocate of the plan for its development. He wrote a fellow trustee that it was ``laying the foundation of Princeton's largest element of future greatness.'' He sided with Dean West in his dispute with Woodrow Wilson about the location of the graduate college. Cleveland also opposed Wilson's quad plan, in part because he feared it would delay realization of the graduate college. He sought to influence Andrew Carnegie to contribute to the university's endowment and it was during one of Carnegie's visits to Westland that the scheme of creating a lake for Princeton was first broached.
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