What is the NJ AI Hub And Why it matters

308   1 month ago
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308   1 month ago
#NJ #newjersey #AINJ
The NJ AI hub was announced in Dec 2023 by the governor of NJ, the president of princeton, and the NJ economic development authority NJEDA. The proposed hub is supposed to focus on Gen AI, it's supposed to be a physical location on and around the Princeton campus. The amount of funding for this project is TBD, but the state of new jersey usually spends around $26 million in such hubs.
The purpose of the NJ AI Hub is to advance new Jersey's leadership in AI. To promote workforce development including AI skills training for state employees, and guide governments and public entities on AI implementation.
To effectively operationalize such as hub, New Jersey will need a software layer. DAIMLAS is the platform where all the New Jersey AI stakeholders can onboard & identify their pathway into AI. It’s not enough to aggregate AI resources, rather our platform exists to guide each stakeholder to achieve their AI goal.

There are 8 stakeholders in a fully functioning AI ecosystem;
the government stakeholder at the Federal, state & local levels.
The investor (angel, institutional investors).
The platform companies.
The startups/entrepreneurs.
The students (all backgrounds who want to participate).
Academia & researchers.
The practitioners (AI & others).
The executive sponsors & managers.

AI is intellectually driven, and thrives where there's a density of talent. To populate the AI ecosystem with talent
Capital is not a barrier to building artificial intelligence ecosystems. To build it, we need a density of talent anchored in academia, and a fly wheel of companies hiring for this talent.
Talent is attracted to hubs because of the intellectual infrastructure company, real world problems to work with AI, and innovative companies solving complex problems. No matter how much money is thrown at the AI hub of New Jersey, we need to start at the grassroots and populate the ecosystem with talons. This means every elementary school, high school, community college, technical college, technical school vocational school, and university should have an AI program. Every county in the state of New Jersey needs and AI Center of Excellence.
Every stakeholder in New Jersey that wants to participate in AI, should have a pathway. And that is why the Daimlas New Jersey artificial intelligence Ecosystem powered by Daimlas exist. We aim to create inclusive pathways for everyone that wants to participate. If we believe that AI is the new electricity, then we need to light up New Jersey with AI. To supply electricity to every corner of New Jersey, we need both the physical infrastructure, and the intellectual infrastructure. To build infrastructure in every corner of New Jersey is not an immediately attainable project, but we can build that infrastructure virtually on the DAIMLAS platform. The intellectual infrastructure involves national, regional, global collaboration with friendly allies to build the global Network of talent. An emerging technology hub such as New Jersey, needs one global collaboration.

We support the NJ AI Hub. To achieve your AI goals in NJ, join the New Jersey Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem Powered by DAIMLAS.
Waitlist here: www.daimlas.com/njaiecosystemapplytojoin/

#NJAIsummit #AmericanDynamism #NJAIHUB #newjersey #NJ #AINJ

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Tags: princeton nj
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