The CogniDiet Weight Loss Programs - How We Rewire Your Brain

1304   6 years ago
Cognidiet | 0 subscribers
1304   6 years ago
The CogniDiet Program is a Diet without a Diet©. Rewire your brain to lose the weight and change your life. Participants have lost up to 33 pounds in 12 weeks in a published clinical trial with 40 women, average age 56. They have lost another 2 pounds average within the next 6 months and the data will be presented at the American Society of Nutrition in Boston in June 2018. Our success rate is 95%. This program will teach you to change the way you think and therefore behave when making food choices. We will arm you with the tools and tips you need to navigate and control your environment, even when challenged by temptations. We offer our classes online with our founder Veronique Cardon, MS live in packages of 6 to 12 sessions. We also published a book called "Weight Loss Starts in Your Brain" in January 2018 and it is available on ----------------- Learn more at Buy the book on Amazon! -------------- Follow The CogniDiet on Social: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest:
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