TwitterNotForMe Brian Kernighan Princeton University

1821   10 years ago
bltbus1 | 0 subscribers
1821   10 years ago'Princeton Startup TV' - interviews with the stars of startup and computer science world./nThe full episode of 'Princeton Startup TV' with Brian Kernighan: Kernighan! The computer scientist who doesn't need any introduction: co-author of the programming classic - 'The C Programming Language' (with Dennis Ritchie), coauthor of AWK and AMPL programming languages, Professor of Computer Science at Princeton, author of many Unix programs including ditroff, cron for Unix 7, early contributor to Unix alongside its creators Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie, the person who coined the term Unix which stands for Uniplexed Information and Computing Service, co-author of well-known heuristics for graph partitioning and TSP, author of 9 books: Software Tools (with PJ Plauger), Software Tools in Pascal (with PJ Plauger), The C Programming Language ('K&R') (with Dennis M. Ritchie), The Elements of Programming Style (with PJ Plauger), The Unix Programming Environment (with Rob Pike), The AWK Programming Language (with Al Aho and Peter J. Weinberger), The Practice of Programming (with Rob Pike), AMPL: A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming, 2nd Ed. (with Robert Fourer and David Gay), and the most recent 'D is for Digital: What a well-informed person should know about computers and communications'.
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