Watershed People Pollution Threatens Our Water

2298   13 years ago
mj22 | 0 subscribers
2298   13 years ago
Watershed People Pollution Threatens Our Water
http:www.thewatershed.org… The actions we take every day have a big impact on the quality of our water and environment. Our “State of the Watershed Report” shows just how well our region is doing and provides concrete ways we can all make a difference….State of the Watershed Report: What are the environmental problems facing our watershed? Why are they happening and what can we do to help? Using a combination of our own StreamWatch water quality data, environmental policy analysis and land use data the State of the Watershed Report illustrates the conditions facing our watershed today and what we need to do to make a difference.
It shows that “people” pollution – things like excess fertilizers, leaking septic and sewer systems, pet waste and trash – is having a tremendous impact on the health and quality of our water. Stronger environmental policies and changes in our everyday behavior are essential to improve our watershed.
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